Don’t Turn Off the Switch
Life in the public arena:
In the commuting line most eyes are down
yet often a few words life them up to shine.
To vacate a seat as transportation fills
for those who stand yet need to sit.
Hold the door for the elderly and infirm
so they may pass with dignity and ease.
The daily scene of lost souls digesting maps
beckons a brief finger pointing to receive a smile.
Life in the private arena:
Early morning coffee and quiet conversation
with our cogs and classical music.
Feeding our diverse neighborhood of feathers
friends who flitter about and sing.
Other times:
Silence and reflection as we walk through the woods
with the leaves and needles bowing in the wind.
Oh — To Listen Once More
To listen and connect
with the avenues of life
for enhancement and understanding
an to cherish the rich diversity
throughout the world regardless of one’s
religious belief
color of their skin
language spoken
beautiful music
ceremonies and dance
activities or lifestyle.
Let us rejoin
for the splendid
rainbow od diversity
of all human beings
and living species
in the world.
Aloft in My White Feathered Suit
When I know I must say to all goodbye
I choke u and moisture fills me eyes.
Especially as I leave my family I love
I pray that I’ll return as
a floating white dove
Goodbye to all and I wish you well
as I get on the ark
and go into the dark.
Lincoln resident William Russell died of Alzheimer’s disease in 2011. These poems are from How to Ignite One’s Soul, a book of his poetry and photos.
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